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How the SB7 Framework Can Transform Your Website Content

Why is it that so many businesses struggle to present themselves in a compelling way to potential customers in the digital realm? More often than not, websites fail to communicate their value propositions effectively, leaving visitors uninterested or confused and moving on. Here's where Donald Miller's StoryBrand (SB7) Framework come in. SB7 is a revolutionary approach to an age-old technique designed to sharpen your message and drive sales growth. 

If you're unsure whether SB7 can improve your marketing, take a look at the video below. In it, Donald Miller reviews business websites live and provides constructive feedback based on this framework. The advice could provide the inspiration you need to implement the StoryBrand formula to elevate your website content and, ultimately, your sales.

The Anatomy of the SB7 Framework

Before diving into the practical steps, let's break down the SB7 Framework: 

1. Character - Define who the customer is. 
2. Problem - Identify their problems and pain points. 
3. Guide - Position your brand as the empathetic guide. 
4. Plan - Lay out a clear plan to solve the customer’s problem. 
5. Call to Action - Create compelling calls to action. 
6. Avoid Failure - Show what’s at stake if they don’t take action. 
7. Success - Illustrate the transformation that results from your solution. 

Step-by-Step Application: Powering Up Your Website with StoryBrand 

 1. Define the Customer as the Hero

Your website content needs to speak directly to your customer. The first step is to clearly identify your target audience and make them the hero of your story. For example, if you operate a fitness coaching business, your website shouldn’t just highlight your credentials; it needs to speak to people who are tired of not achieving their fitness goals and looking for a solution. 


2. Highlight Their Problems

Next, articulate the challenges that your customer faces. In his video, Donald points out that too many websites gloss over this critical aspect. By zeroing in on the customer’s problems, you create a sense of urgency. Using our fitness coaching example, list common struggles like lack of motivation, poor diet, or ineffective workout routines. 

3. Be the Guide with a Plan

Position your brand as the guide who understands their struggles and has a plan. Introduce yourself as a seasoned expert who has previously walked people through similar challenges. Then, offer a clear plan that outlines the steps they need to take. Perhaps it’s a 30-day fitness plan with detailed instructions, workout videos, and meal plans. Make sure to keep it simple and actionable. 

4. Call to Action—Make It Clear and Compelling

Donald points out a common mistake: vague or cluttered calls to action (CTAs). Your CTAs need to be bold and explicit. For example, instead of “Learn More,” go for “Start Your Fitness Journey Today.” Ensure there's a prominent button that stands out on your homepage and throughout your site. 


5. Show the Stakes

What do they stand to lose if they don’t take action? Your content should paint a picture of the negative consequences of inaction. In our example, this could be continued unhealthy habits leading to chronic health issues. The idea here is to make the stakes clear and relatable. 


6. Illustrate Success

Finally, show what success looks like. Testimonials, before-and-after photos, and case studies make your solution tangible. Visual evidence of transformation can be incredibly compelling and must be woven into your website’s narrative. 


Real-Life Examples from Donald Miller's Review Video

If you haven't already, watching Donald Miller’s video, where he dissects business websites, can be particularly enlightening. In the video, Miller critiques a variety of websites, showing exactly where they miss these StoryBrand elements and how they can adjust. For example, he might suggest repositioning their CTAs or simplifying their messaging to better capture each of the SB7 elements. By seeing these principles applied in real time, you'll gain a more concrete understanding of how to apply them to your site. 



Implementing the StoryBrand SB7 framework on your website isn’t just a good-to-have; it’s a game-changer. By clarifying your message and making your customer the hero, you naturally create a more engaging, compelling narrative that directs them towards taking action. Dive into each step carefully, and don’t shy away from revisiting and updating your content based on the framework. Your improved content will make your brand's story more engaging and drive the clear results you're looking for. Follow Donald Miller's advice, and watch your website transform into a powerful sales engine.

Ready to Elevate Your Website? 

Don't leave your business's success to chance. Let the experts at Mission Paratus help you unlock your website's potential. Book a free consultation today and have your website reviewed by our team of StoryBrand-certified professionals. We'll provide actionable insights tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you can start seeing improvements in your engagement and sales immediately. 

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